Event types
Event types
List of supported event types and their payload.
Occurs whenever an interview report is successfully generated.
"event": "interview_report.created",
"data": {
"report_id": "h0gqkAcaDJ",
"interview_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"interview_name": "Full Stack Engineer Interview",
"candidate_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"candidate_name": "John Doe",
"candidate_email_id": "john.doe@micro1.ai",
"report_date": "2024-01-01",
"report_url": "https://micro1.ai/report/h0gqkAcaDJ.pdf",
"interview_recording_url": "https://micro1.ai/interview/h0gqkAcaDJ.mp4",
"proctoring_score": 85,
"proctoring_violations": [
"type": "tab_switch",
"value": "3",
"description": "3 tab switches detected, indicating multitasking or external searches."
"interview_transcript": [
"timestamp": 100,
"role": "interviewer",
"content": "Can you tell me about yourself?"
"technical_skills_evaluation": [
"skill": "React.js",
"ai_evaluation": {
"feedback": "Candidate has demonstrated a solid understanding of optimizing FastAPI performance.",
"rating": "Senior"
"timestamp": 100
"soft_skills_evaluation": [
"skill": "Overall",
"ai_evaluation": {
"feedback": "Candidate demonstrated clear and organized thoughts throughout the interview, effectively addressing each question with relevant examples and explanations",
"rating": "Senior"
"coding_skills_evaluation": {
"feedback": "The candidate has demonstrated a good understanding of the problem",
"rating": "Senior"
"custom_question_evaluation": [
"question_text": "Are you willing to relocate?",
"answer_text": "Yes, I am willing to relocate",
"ai_evaluation": {
"feedback": "Candidate is willing to relocate with a 20% chance",
"rating": "Senior"
"date_created": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
"date_modified": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
"status": "active"
Occurs whenever the interview recording is successfully processed and available.
"event": "interview_recording.completed",
"data": {
"report_id": "ABCD1234",
"interview_recording_url": "https://url_to_interview_recording.mp4"